Guest Blogger: Oda Lindner, E-RYT500, Yoga Therapist
Much of yoga is about embodying wisdom in our daily life. In practice our wisdom is often hindered by our reactions or by the patterns that are the result of our past conditioning and experience. Automatic reactions keep us often from embodying what we know to be true. Yoga has tools that help us see the dysfunctionality of these reactions and patterns, and it can help us become more who we truly are.
In traditional Yoga each human being is seen as a system that contains many lines [nadis] through which the life force flows. The flow of Prana in these nadis support our physical, psychological and mental functioning. The flow can often become interrupted, and the lines can become twisted and tangled. The reasons for the tangles can be found on the physiological, psychological level and mental levels. Many centuries ago yogic texts identified three major groups of tangles or ‘knots’ (granthi) that appear in our system. These knots are located along the central axis of our system. They are the ‘knot of desire’ in the lower belly, the ‘knot of action’ in the heart region and the ‘knot of ignorance’ in the center of the forehead.
The lower belly knot (Brahma Granthi) is associated with ego-centered desires -think Amazon ‘must haves’. The knot in the heart (Vishnu Granthi) is our attachment to ceaseless action, doing and achievement. And the knot in the forehead (Rudra Granthi) is the ignorance about who we are and what we are here for. In order to embody true wisdom in daily life we have to open and untangle all three of these knots.
Interestingly, yoga has different tools that can be applied to untie these knots. On the level of embodiment it can use physical poses like strengthening the lower belly, opening the chest and releasing tension in the neck and the head. On the level of energy we can use breathing, mudra and manta to untangle and guide our energies. And on the level of awareness Yoga can apply reflection, realization and meditation.
To further explore how yoga can help you “untie”, please consider the “Masterclass” starting February 4 and running for 6 weeks (Thursdays 7 – 8 pm EST). During this course we will spend 2 classes on each knot. We will explore each area on the level of embodiment, energy and awareness. We will then see if, with the help of these tools, we can surface some the reactive patterns that form the basis of each knot. And in the end we may be able to loosen each area a little so that the natural wisdom that is at the heart of our being can shine forth into the actions of our daily life.