Your Secret Weapon Against Stress

yoga therapy can help manage stress
Practicing therapeutic rest can help reduce or even reverse the detrimental health effects of chronic stress.

When you survive in this modern jungle, your system experiences a chronic cocktail of stress hormones that were more suited to earlier days. Our systems react the same way as our ancestors’ when encountering a threat but we’re not running away from sabre toothed tigers anymore. We’re most likely chained to our devices and inhibited from burning off that adrenaline and cortisol.

It’s not likely that you’ll be able to fix modern day problems by tonight. But what you can do by tonight is take effective action to mitigate the effects of chronic stress.

The research on therapeutic rest is compelling. But the real reason you may want to incorporate it into your daily routines is that is feels good! Of all the self care you adopt, consider that therapeutic rest is free, has no published side effects and is available to anyone who is currently breathing.

Want to learn more? Here is a FREE six video course that explains what therapeutic rest is and how to do it.