Yoga for Hip & Knee Pain – Release and Strengthen

Yoga that is easy on the knees and hips is shown in this at home program.

Notice the above title doesn’t say “stretches for hip and knee pain”? Aggressive hip stretching can make pain worse!. Yoga can definitely help with hip and knee pain when used skillfully.

What causes hip pain?

There are six main movement types in the hips… flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, internal and external rotation. Different muscles help each action. Commonly, some muscles are stronger than necessary and others are a little sleepy. This pulls the thigh bone a little out of alignment. Eventually this leads to wear and tear on the joint.

What causes knee pain?

Again, misalignment of the knee joint causes wear and tear. It’s worth noting that of the 11 muscles that cross the knee, 7 are hip muscles too. We really can’t have a conversation about sore knees without addressing hip function.

This is why so many of my clients undergo knee replacement and are disappointed that the pain or function didn’t improve significantly. Standard rehab so rarely addresses hip function.

Can I do yoga before/after joint replacement?

Absolutely! This at home yoga program for hip & knee pain will release and strengthen your joint. It includes the top yoga poses for hip and knee pain. It leads you step by step through yoga exercises for hip and knee replacement patients. The yoga practices show modifications for hip and knee replacements.

I strongly recommend utilizing this yoga for hip and knee pain series to release and strengthen BEFORE surgery. This is called “pre-habilitation”. My clients respond much better to surgery and recuperate more quickly with this preparation.

Learn to walk properly after joint replacement

My clients are most concerned about relieving hip and knee pain, but they also want to walk more normally again.

This at home program addresses the root causes of hip and knee pain. It will bring greater balance to the muscle function. Not only will you release and strengthen the hips and knees, but also walk more fluidly and with more confidence.

This course is appropriate for those waiting for joint replacement surgery or in the recovery phase. As with any exercise program, consult with your health care team before embarking on this journey.

The yoga therapy approach is about small changes in movement patterns repeated frequently. To use this program, plan to spend about 15 minutes a day, maybe two times per day. Focus on each video on its own for awhile, even weeks. You’ll know when you feel your body is ready to progress. Rushing, and doing all the videos at once, is counter productive.

The First Step

To facilitate healing, it is essential that the body feel safe. In yoga therapy, we focus heavily on the breath and relaxation to speak the language of the nervous system. This is the secret to lasting change.

Moving with Less Pain

This video starts relieve hip and knee pain by releasing and strengthening.

Learning to Weight Bear without Pain ….

Now we start to work on strengthening the muscles that will help you stand taller and with more confidence. Remember, each video should be practised for about one week (longer if you like) and multiple times per day if possible.

Building Balance

Now we can start working with weight bearing postures. Notice the chair? Keep it handy. This stage focuses on building strength while remembering all you’ve learned about healthy movement patterns.

Getting Up and Down from the Floor

One of the most common after effects of severe joint pain or surgery is the patient’s reluctance to resume their independence getting up and down from the floor. It’s essential that you gain confidence to tackle that skill again. Here’s a step by step method to guide you. Good luck!!!

Strengthening Hips and Knees

You’re ready to start building full function in the joints again. Remember to take things slowly, using a video for several weeks if there is any doubt that you are ready to progress.

The Marriage of Hips and Knees

Of the 11 muscles that move your knee, seven cross the hip joint. We really can’t talk about one without the other. Let’s explore how they interact.

Chair Based Sun Salutations

This classic combination of yoga postures is a great full body engagement. Many of us feel like we’re really back in the “swing” of things when we breathe and move through this meditative sequence.

Your Super Glutes

Welcome to a date with your tooshie! The super mover muscles are typically a little sleepy for those of us in North America. This practice wakes them up and tunes you in to a powerhouse of possibility.

Standing Hip Stretches

To increase range of motion in the hip joint, it is often better to strengthen sleepy muscles to balance hip function. This was covered in previous videos in this series. In this practice, you can stretch hamstrings, calves, adductor muscles and more in a standing sequence.

Putting it All Together

This practice emphasizes the importance of regular therapeutic rest to preserve the gains you’ve made throughout the series.

Thanks so much for trying yoga therapy for your hips and knees. If you would like further information, or a more customized approach, Cheryl would be happy to chat!