Sun Salutations

Each video progresses to versions of the classical Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) that require more physical stamina. It is best to try the videos in order and settle on the flow that best suits your needs today.

Version One: No Weight Bearing on Knees

Version Two: No Down Dog (gentler on shoulders/wrists)

A sun salute that is easier on the wrists and shoulders. No planks or down dogs.

Version Three: Another Gentle Version

A second version of Gentle Sun Salutations that still avoids too much pressure on knees or wrists. Enjoy!

Version Four: The Classic

This version of Surya Namaskar incorporates cobra pose, child’s pose and lunge. It does weight bear on the knee briefly. Choose one of the previous selections if you prefer not to get down to the floor.

Version Five: Adding Down Dog

After practising the previous versions, you may feel strong enough to attempt a flow that includes down dog (adho mukha svanasana). This would be something to avoid if you have shoulder restrictions, wrist issues, hamstring pull or fatigue.

Version Six: Power Flow

This flow is physically challenging but so rewarding at you build confidence and strength. It includes full plank pose and a push up type movement (called chadarangasana) that may not be appropriate for everyone.

For more information, or to discuss your particular issues, please contact Cheryl. You may also enjoy regular classes with her. She offers zoom as well as in person group classes.