Shoulder Joy Course

This on demand video course was developed as Cheryl was icing her shoulder tendonitis. The protocol is informed by evidence based exercise research and also her own personal experience with injury.

This diagram is a typical alignment situation, especially as our lives move ever more to online and we’re using devices more consistently. As you can clearly discern, the forward position of the head puts undue strain on the supporting structures. Welcome to tight jaw muscles, headaches, creaky necks and aching shoulders.

Before beginning the course:

Check with your doctor or health care provider to insure that it is safe for you to begin movement. It almost always is – except in extreme cases.

Equipment Necessary:

Kitchen, or folding, chair

Yoga Block, or full box of kleenex

Cotton blankets, pillows, small hand towel

Yoga strap, housecoat belt or long scarf

Exercise or yoga mat

Practice One:

This is the first step to healing. Practice this short series as often as you can, even a couple times per day. Slow and patient like the tortoise wins the race.

Practice Two:

Once pain has abated slightly, it may be time to explore what your range of motion is in the shoulder joint. Remember…. your movements shouldn’t make your discomfort worse. And it is essential that you keep moving as best you can, as often as you can.

Practice Three:

This class illustrates the connection between the supporting structures and healthy shoulder function.
The most common shoulder injury is rotator cuff muscles and soft tissue. This is a good sequence for all of us as this is our most vulnerable system.
Many of us think about stretching to alleviate pain but Cheryl is focused on building strength for longer term results.

Practice Six:

Let’s expand range of motion and build confidence with this sequence.

Practice Seven:

Our shoulders express so much from the heart. These hard working joints earn a little love in this practice. Remember to focus on one video for at least a week before progressing.

Practice Eight:

What is next? This video details how to confidently and safely continue with your favourite activities including yoga classes.

What Comes Next?

Repeating any or all of these sequences on a regular basis can keep you mobile and pain free. We never graduate from healthy movement.

You could also schedule an individual consultation with Cheryl to further customer your rehab plan. She also puts out a regular newsletter that will offer further support in your healing journey.