Teaching the Joint Freeing Series

Location: Niagara, Canada

Dates: October 17 & 18, 2020

Cost: $299

Pavanmukhtasana is often translated as “wind relieving pose”. But it’s so much more than that. It is designed as a way to expand and move the vayus, or “winds” of the body. It is a complete joint freeing series, as developed by Mukunda Stiles (author of Structural Yoga Therapy).

Yogis become aware through practice of the movement of prana. “Where the mind goes, prana flows” is a common sentiment. The Joint Freeing Series standardizes a specific sequence of uni-joint movements that encourages prana to move in natural ways (the vayus).

In this course, participants will develop a visceral as well as intellectual understanding of how this practice shifts energy, builds fluidity in movement, alleviates chronic pain and offers a host of other health benefits. The Joint Freeing Series provides an intelligent basis for sequencing most yoga movement classes. The series can also be effectively utilized as a diagnostic tool for private and therapeutic clients.

Participants will finish the course with a clear plan for teaching the Joint Freeing Series from standing, supine and utilizing a chair to avoid weight bearing on knees, as well as the traditional sequence.

This course qualifies for 16 hours from the Yoga Alliance of continuing education credits.

For more information, please email info@cherylgordonyt.com or call/text 289-687-1704.