Living Vibrantly for Women over 50

The humble daisy reminds us that there is beauty in what we often take for granted.  Yoga and mindfulness for women over 50 is all about cherishing each moment.

Here’s what I hear from my clients:

  • how can I sleep better?
  • why do my joints feel so sore?
  • what kind of exercise is safe?
  • when can I lose the menopause weight?
  • where do I fit in now that life has changed so much?

Best yoga for older women....”

Feeling achey, exhausted and a little lost around the menopause transition is normal. Years of holding it all together has taken its toll.

Feeling involved and motivated helps women over 50 stay vibrant.  Cheryl offers great ways to stay challenged and learning.

I’ll explain why and show you what to do to feel more yourself again.

You are not alone. I too, along with hundreds of my clients, am figuring out how to

  • live vibrantly,
  • stay strong,
  • sleep better and
  • keep learning.

Please join with other amazing women like you on the best adventure of our lives!

Yoga classes for women over 50 are safe exercise

Class Schedule

In person classes offer individualized modifications.

Yoga can help women over 50 with common health concerns

Yoga for Women over 50

Essential info to support your practice and FREE at home courses.

Mindfulness helps women over 50 to sleep better and gain peace of mind

Mindfulness Resources

Sleep better and gain peace of mind.

Cheryl explains how each practice will help my menopause symptoms. I appreciate leaving each class a little more in charge.”

Yoga can help you sleep better

Sleep Better with Yoga

  • your mind won’t stop racing when you want to rest
  • hot flashes make solid sleep impossible
  • joint pain prevents getting comfortable

Yoga and mindfulness can train your mind to making falling asleep, and staying asleep, easier. They can also reduce your experience of joint pain. There is no special mantra for sleep anxiety. How to overcome menopause anxiety is just common sense tools that build on each other. We can explore the relationship between better sleep and weight loss too.

Try these meditations to help you sleep better now.

Reduce Joint Pain with Yoga

Reduce Joint Pain with Yoga

Is it inevitable that aches and pains will zap your energy as you age? NO!

My top rated, beginner yoga classes for menopause are the best approach for the mature woman. The key is to separate your yoga practice from the mental pressures to lose weight, build bone, be perfect… you get the picture. Your yoga practice time is sacred and part of your all essential self care.

To benefit from yoga for menopause joint pain, follow one of these four simple routines daily.

Mindfulness meditation is also pivotal in helping to manage menopause joint pain. It is one of the best natural remedies for menopause symptoms.

You can use yoga and mindfulness meditation as home based remedies for your menopause symptoms. Try the classic “Three Minute Breathing Space” to build more calm into your day.

Yoga helps older women celebrate the body and lose weight

Lose Weight with Yoga

  • How much should you exercise to lose weight?
  • How many calories do I need to burn to lose weight as a mature woman?
  • How often should I work out to lose weight?

The good news is you can relax… A LOT. We have been so pressured to keep up with every fitness fad. We’re just thoroughly confused. My yoga and mindfulness classes are specially crafted for mature women. They will help you find the right amount of activity. We’ll distill all the hype down to what is really impactful for your goals.

Yoga exercises for menopause are not aggressive or risky. My classes are paced carefully with great attention to detail. Mindfulness is at the core of everything we do. Which includes self compassion, self care and kindliness. How can this possibly help you reduce menopause belly? Because weight gain in menopause is not about calories in and calories out. It is a much more individualized cocktail of hormones, physical health, thought patterns and habits.

Yoga helps women over 50 feel vibrant and alive again

Feel Vibrant with Yoga

  • How do I make friends as an adult?
  • How to cope with aging parents and very busy grandkids?
  • Do you wish your relationships were more authentic and rewarding?

We retire from busy careers. We watch our own children blossom on their own. We manage the complex emotions of loss. It can be scary.

Yoga and mindfulness classes/programs specifically crafted for mature women can help us realize we are not alone. It is VERY common to have these concerns around menopause. Investing time in a nurturing yoga and meditation practice grounds us. It creates a deeper connection with our authentic selves. It has provided a richness in my life that is creating some of the most satisfying days so far.

If you find yourself

  • drinking more alcohol than you would like
  • scrolling social media more than you know is healthy
  • snowed under by negative messaging from media or people in your life
  • lacking motivation to make those healthy changes

Yoga and mindfulness meditation may be the life line that it has been for me. It is helping me cope with the aging process, cope with painful family divisions and set healthier but loving boundaries.we can help.

Healthy recipes support mindful eating

Celebrate Food with Mindful Eating

I lost 25 pounds post menopause by mindful eating. I can show you

  • how to start mindful eating,
  • how mindful eating relates to weight loss and
  • what the essential steps of mindful eating are.

This approach builds on the skills you practice in our specialized yoga and mindfulness classes crafted for mature women.

There is no calorie counting, no cutting out foods you love or fasting. It is common sense eating based on your own intuition and sensations about hunger and fullness. Doctors LOVE this approach because it supports holistic health and reduces risk of any disordered eating.

Check out the library of delicious, healthy recipes.

“Through Cheryl’s classes, I’ve discovered that I’m not alone. That’s been the biggest revelation for me.