Do Less to Achieve More

Image result for stressed out at christmas
How to change this…….
into this.

Energy is a resource for which we control the budget. Investing wisely to achieve maximum return is important here as it is with finance.  Learn the science behind therapeutic rest in order to boost your focus, strength and resiliency.

As the holidays creep closer, the pressure to jam more into each day increases.  Although it may seem counter-intuitive, doing less will actually help you get more done.  Here’s how.

A tremendous amount of mental and physical activity takes place in the background of our awareness.  Experts suggest up to 90% of our reactions, thoughts and behaviours are initiated from the subconscious mind.  All of these electrical impulses, or thoughts, require energy.  Many of these automatic decisions may not be in congruence with your current priorities, but you keep doing them anyway as reflexes and habits.  For example, you may have a willful commitment to eating healthier, but late night cravings for ice cream when you can’t sleep derail you regularly.  Sometimes, you can’t even recall eating it at all!  This conflict can cause stress on the system about which we are oblivious.

Most of us think of stress as really tragic events or other big ticket changes in your life.  Most people, because they function quite capably in their life’s work, don’t even feel stressed.  By the time we report stress to our doctor or other caregiver, the symptoms of imbalance have deeply impacted our physical and emotional health.

Stress is an inherent part of being human.  All of us experience stress or we couldn’t get out of bed each day.  Stress is a normal and healthy set of physiological markers (such as increased heart rate, tension in large muscle groups, increased adrenalin, etc.) that allow us to get things done and feel alert.   At the opposite end of the spectrum is the relaxation response.  Again, this is a specific set of physiological markers that create an environment in the body for repair, digestion and reorganizing.  Ideally, the human animal is equally balanced in the course of a day between activity and rest.  The flow between the two states of activity and rest is a continuum and we constantly float along that spectrum.  Even in the course of one breath, there is a little movement between activity and rest.

Image result for parasympathetic nervous system

 As stress has become more and more associated with negative health outcomes, intensive research has shown that stress response happens in modern life far more often than we realize.  Stress, or activity, is generated in the sympathetic nervous system any time we feel the mildest of a survival threat.  An update on your computer platform; searching for a parking spot; worrying that that last joke was well received – these common occurrences generate the biochemical changes in your body that take your away from the reparative and restorative rest we so desperately need.  Add in a few bigger ticket stressors such as financial or family concerns and our system is drawn chronically into sympathetic nervous system activation too often and for too long. 

Choosing to invest your energy in the chronic activation of the sympathetic nervous system prematurely wears you out.  It contributes to sleep disturbances, skin rashes, arthritic pain, sharp tempers and a lack of creativity to name a few symptoms.  Remember – modern life inherently pushes you to this imbalance.  Perhaps most compelling is that the holidays are potentially a time for connection, family and celebrating what is wonderful in our lives.  When we are depleted, the fatigue prevents us from being truly present and enjoying the season as much as we could.

What we think of as “relaxing”, really isn’t.

Image result for lounging on couch
  1. Socializing – while very enjoyable, the noise, heavy food, alcohol, pressure to be witty, all add up to a “survival threat”.  It stimulates your sympathetic nervous system.
  2. Exercise – movement is extremely important but exercise alone, especially movement that is in any way associated measuring, evaluating or competing, activates the sympathetic nervous system.  As the adrenalin and other hormones of the stress response are produced to answer the call of exercise, they are burned off so we feel more balanced when we finished.  There has been no rest though.
  3. Media – watching television or catching up on podcasts allows physical stillness but is in no way restful for the nervous system.  Studies show that the powerful emotional centers of the brain react to the images and ideas on media as if they were happening directly to us.  Our rational brains can distinguish the difference, but that part of your brain is not consciously directing these reflexive responses.

Relaxation is an activation of the parasympathetic nervous system.  There are separate nerves that enervate your organs and tissues for this branch of the autonomic nervous system.  Remember, we flow along the continuum throughout the day and can feel relatively ‘relaxed’ when we are not actually in the relaxation response.  To create the flow of neurotransmitters and biochemical markers that will truly help us heal, we need to take rest seriously.

Modern society is the most complex ever recorded so your lives probably reflect that.  Besides the obvious advice to edit activities and eat healthy, here are a couple interventions that can help you “power rest”.   Introducing regular and repeated therapeutic relaxation into your daily routine recalibrates your brain giving you greater focus and strength. 

An instructional video for the following practices can be found here.

Strategy #1:  Alternate Nostril Breathing

Image result for alternate nostril breathing

This ancient breathing technique alternately stimulates the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems to help you create a better flow along the continuum.  Set a timer for 5 minutes.  Sit in a chair with an upright and alert posture.  (Instructional video here.) Feel free to play some uplifting and relaxing music in the background (try   Using your right hand, place the thumb over the right nostril.  Place the ring finger over the left nostril.  The index and middle finger can curl down into the palm, or lightly rest them between the eye brows.  Inhale only through the left side then adjust fingers so exhale is only through the right.  Stay on the right side to inhale, then adjust fingers to exhale on the left.  This is one round.  Relax shoulders, align head over the rest of the spine.  Repeat until the time goes off.  This breathing pattern may help you feel more balanced and prepare for deeper stages of relaxation.

Strategy #2:  Legs Up the Chair Pose

Image result for jillian pransky legs up the chair

This restorative yoga posture inverts the play of gravity on the body, inducing a physical sense of relaxation.  It alleviates lower leg swelling, sore feet, aching hips, backs and knees (all symptoms of marathon holiday parties and shopping).  To do, (instructional video here) utilize a kitchen or living room chair or couch.  Align the legs so that the calves are supported by the seat with the edge of the seat in the crooks of your knees.  Place a pillow or folded blanket under your sacrum to elevate your hips slightly.  A pillow might feel nice under your neck.  Close your eyes and breathe slowly and deeply.  As little as five minutes can bring new energy but continuing for up to 20 is recommended.  Adding an eye pillow or cool cloth will reduce lines and swelling around eyes.

Breathe into a More Joyous Life!

“Our breath is constantly rising and falling, ebbing and flowing, entering and leaving our bodies.  Full body breathing is an extraordinary symphony of both powerful and subtle movements that massage our internal organs, oscillate our joints and alternately tone and release all the muscles in the body.  It is a full participation with life.”    Donna Farhi, “The Breathing Book”  (Holt Publishing, 1996)

                On your last visit to the doctor, he/she may have asked you to take a deep breath.  Here’s what I commonly see in my yoga therapy practice when I observe someone instructed to deep breathe. 

They inhale.  Their nostrils pinch a bit and it makes quite a sound on the intake of breath.  Their arms and shoulders hug into the body.  The shoulders and collar bones lift up.  Neck muscles tighten.  And often their bellies pull in.  Try a deep breath in this manner.  Does it feel liberating or joyous to you?  It feels like a lot of work to me.

                Our breathing automatically adjusts to whatever external circumstances require.  It’s brilliant really.  Because we spend more and more time in sedentary activities, during which our brains are concentrating on reading or talking but not movement, our breath just goes into a shallow holding pattern that just keeps the basics going.  No point in investing a lot of energy in breathing deeply when the muscles are relatively stagnant.  Every once in a while, however, the tissues of the body send out an SOS.  FEED US!  And you are prompted to sigh or inhale as described above.

                Breath is literally your life.  As oxygen is brought into the lungs and permeates through the alveoli to the blood stream, hemoglobin molecules shuttle the oxygen to all the cells of the body.  During shallow breathing, not a lot of volume of oxygen is being delivered.  This translates to sluggishness, mental fog and increased stiffness.

                One of the more efficient ways your body can breathe is shown in this illustration.  As the lungs fill with air, the diaphragm descends down toward the abdomen to make more room for that balloon like action.  As you exhale, the lungs deflate and pull all the other bits back into place.

                Maybe you notice that this natural breathing pattern involves letting your belly muscles relax on inhale.  That can be a barrier for many of us who try to look skinny (by sucking in our gut) or think that tight “abs” will keep our backs happier.  Breathing is a whole body experience.  Relaxed breathing means that muscles need to relax as well as contract.  That is a definition of strong muscles – ones that can lengthen and shorten as needed.

Program for Restoring Your Life by Breathing Better

  1. Constructive rest:  (this could be done in bed if getting to the floor is difficult)

Take 2 – 20 minutes here. Use a pillow if necessary and blanket to keep warm. Observe your natural breathing. Where do you feel movement?  No movement?  A lot of movement?  Do you hold your breath?  Is your breath ragged or irregular?  Are there pauses?  Where and how long?  There is no right way to breathe right now.  You are just familiarizing yourself with what you are experiencing today.

2. Cat/Cow Stretch:  Inhale, sit up erect, lifting the chest toward the ceiling.  Exhale, hug the belly muscles in and let the back body stretch.  Repeat 5 – 10 slow breaths, breathing in and out through the nose.

3. Side Stretch   

Lean to one side on exhales.  Lift back upright on inhales.  If your arm gets tired up in the air, tuck it behind your back.  Repeat 5 times to each side.

4. Seated twist    

Inhale, sit up tall, facing forward.  Exhale gently twist to one side.  Repeat 5 times to each side.

5. Down dog with Chair   

Keep knees a little bent, or a lot bent.  Lift buttocks up and backward to length the entire spine.  Take 3 – 5 long, patient breaths.

6. Relaxing Chest Stretch   

This could be done in bed if getting to the floor is too difficult.  Place a rolled blanket along the length of the spine. Buttocks is on the ground. An additional pillow can support the head if needed.  Knees are dropped out to the sides and supported by more blankets or pillows so hips are comfortable.  There should be a pleasant stretch along the inner thighs but no pain in joints.  Let arms drape out to sides, palms up.  More blankets could support the arms if this stretch is too much for tight shoulder or chest muscles.  Rest here up to 15 minutes.

Making these movements part of your daily routine will bring more life to your life!