Aging Vibrantly: Yoga for Women Over 50

Women over 50 can be vibrant and vital with yoga and mindfulness classes by Cheryl

Cheryl brings so much knowledge and experience to the specialized yoga classes. I always feel as though the class was tailored just for me.

As we get older, it is inevitable that our bodies shift and change. I am not going to sell eternal youth. BUT I believe, for myself and my clients, that aging vibrantly is possible. These specialized yoga classes for women over 50 will help you to

  • stay strong,
  • keep a healthy weight,
  • sleep deeply and
  • remain vital to your families and communities.

But we need to be smart about this. I’m not a fan of hot yoga for older women nor do I believe in “challenges” or aggressive practices that promise quick fixes. You know the kind I mean… “Buy my program and lose 10 pounds by happy hour”.

Here are five key areas in which specialized yoga for women over 50 helps menopause symptoms and helps us live vibrantly.

Yoga for women over 50 keeps you exercising safely.

Yoga balances hormones.

When the inevitable aches and pains arise, the instinct can be to stop moving in case you make symptoms worse. Universally, research reveals that movement is your medicine. From keeping your brain sharp, to sleeping better, to maintaining bone mass, to alleviating hot flashes… you were made to move.

My specialized yoga and mindfulness classes provide the support and knowledge that you need to keep moving safely.

Further reading:

  1. Try this yoga program for resetting hormones.
  2. Learn more about a “secret” practice for relieving joint pain.
  3. Release your all important hip flexor to boost energy.
A chair makes yoga accessible for those with joint pain or even replacement surgery.

Yoga is safe before and after joint replacement.

I have helped hundreds of patients with pre-habilitation and re-habilitation.

You are not alone in needing hip and/or knee surgery. Yoga poses can be easily adapted at almost all stages. And mindfulness meditation is a primary tool for pain management as well as reintegrating any new hardware.

My first recommendation is to try my Yoga Therapy for Hip/Knee Rehab series. This is a sequential program of videos you can do at home. Each practice is less than 15 minutes. Each video is meant to be utilized for about a week or so and then you move onto the next stage. All material is evidence based and recommended by orthopedic surgeons. And it’s all FREE.

Read more here about the difference between a therapeutic yoga class and chair exercise.

After the first class, I knew I was on to something. My breathing was easier. I felt, for the first time in a long while, that I knew what to do.”

Shoulder pain is often a result of misalignment in the pelvis.

Women are more prone to shoulder injuries.

After rehabbing my own shoulder injuries (rotator cuff tear) and working with hundreds of women like us, my firm belief is that the shoulder isn’t where the real issue lies.

And maybe that’s why shoulder tension, pain and injury is so hard to eradicate. Treatment usually centers on the joint.

The yoga therapy approach is always to look at the person holistically. As the photo demonstrates, the spine sits on the foundation of the pelvis. If the basement is crooked, that strain is felt on the top floors.

Here is a multi-part video series that you can do at home to help rehab your shoulder. Each practice is less than 15 minutes and you pace yourself. It will take time to heal. It’s FREE.

Further reading:

  1. Aggressive stretching can increase chronic pain
  2. Build resiliency to stress to ease shoulder pain.
Safe yoga exercises for back pain involve relaxation and gentle strengthening.

Safe Yoga Exercises for Back Pain

Especially if you have been pregnant, the lumbar curve and its relationship to the sacrum is a highly mobile area. As women who strive to do it all, we tend to ignore the warning signs. Ninety percent of us develop degenerative disc disease as we age. It’s a scary diagnosis but you can absolutely reduce pain and strengthen this area.

Yoga can be amazing for spinal health. My specialized yoga and mindfulness programming is highly informed by in depth anatomy research and the latest movement science.

If your back has

  • “gone out”,
  • has gone into spasm, or if you have
  • a herniated disc

Yoga can help alleviate the pain now and prevent further recurrence..

Further reading:

  1. This article finally gives us permission to not “do it all”.
  2. Learn how just breathing differently can help back pain.
  3. This at home video course guides you step by step. It’s FREE.
  4. It’s essential to invest in self care. Read why and how here.

“The Joint Freeing Series has become a daily habit. I often repeat it at bedtime to relax too.”

The joint freeing video series is safe for osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and other common health concerns for women over 50.

Yoga is safe for osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and other common, but scary, health concerns.

When you hear those dreaded words, it seems as though time stops. Can you imagine the state of your nervous system? I’ve been there. I know first hand about the sweaty palms, the racing heart, the rushing in my ears and feeling faint.

This is why we need yoga and mindfulness! This is a primary intervention for managing stress, especially the stress around chronic conditions and illness.

I am a professionally trained yoga therapist. I have received hundreds of hours of training in anatomy and physiology. This ensures I can keep you safe in my specialized classes for older women.

To keep mobile, I recommend the Joint Freeing Series. This is a safe protocol for all the above mentioned conditions. You can utilize the short videos as a stand alone practice or as a warm up for further activity.

Further Reading:

  1. It’s essential to invest in self care.

I’d love to chat further with you about these topics. My decades of experience with real people has brought me to the place where I am passionate about sharing these teachings. My prayer for you is that you take this information, feel encouraged and just start with one small change.

You are an amazing, intelligent, accomplished woman who has given so much. It’s your turn to receive benefit from that bravery, loyalty and talent. Vibrant living with specialized yoga for women over 50 is your birthright!