A Yoga Practice to “Detox” and “Reset”

Using a chair can make yoga poses accessible for women over 50 with sore knees or hips.

Try this quick 20 minute practice every day for the next 21 days. It is designed to mobilize your joints, bring cleansing circulation to your organs and energize your thinking. It is recommended to keep a notebook or journal handy and record your impressions post practice each day. These quick notes are for you alone and will help you see the changes in real time.

yoga therapy can help us loosen joints
  1. Joint Freeing Series – this simple sequence of stretches prepares your body for full poses. Try one of these videos to lead you through.

2. Sun Salutations – one round of this classical combination of postures will create some heat to begin the transformation. Choose the type that best suits you physical needs (there’s even one that uses a chair so no pressure on knees!) from here.

3. Spinal Balance – from hands and knees (place hands on chair if knees on floor doesn’t work), lift one leg up and back, parallel to floor. Keep hips square to floor (this is very important!). Hug muscles into the center of your body to stabilize core. Slowly lift opposite arm alongside ear. Hold for five breaths each side. Repeat once.

4. Bridge Pose – Do the posture five times dynamically, inhaling as you lift hips and exhaling as you lower. Then hold posture five breaths. Keep knees pointing straight ahead and isometrically magnetize heels back toward your body to engage the hamstrings. Imagine lifting the hips from the back of the buttocks where it meets the legs. How high you lift the hips isn’t that important but keeping your low back spacious and comfortable is very important.

yoga therapy retrains movement

5. Wide Legged Supine Twist – lie on back. Place feet mat width apart, or wider. Inhale with knees center and exhale, drop knees to one side. Repeat to each side five times, then hold on one side for five breaths. Slide arms out away from body to open chest to deep breaths. Support legs with pillows or blankets so you don’t have a big stretch sensation anywhere but feel the earth is hugging you from underneath. This video shows the set up ( it’s the third video down – hip flexor release).

6. Alternate Nostril Breathing – this breathing technique creates a nimbleness in the frontal lobes of the brain. When we want to get creative to solve life’s challenges, or bring our “A” game, fire on all cylinders with 5 – 10 rounds of this breath. This video shows how (it’s the third video down on the page, “practice 1/6 : alternate nostril breathing”).

7. Take a few minutes to jot in your journal. These questions may inspire you:

How does my body feel right now?

What word, principle or mantra would I like to take into my day?

How may I be of service today?

This practice guideline is intended to inspire you to embrace yoga as a tool for positive change. It is very general. If you would like a personalized plan, consider Small Group Yoga Therapy. There are new sessions starting soon.


Restorative Yoga Rocked My World

yoga therapy is about finding balance including adequate therapeutic rest

Please note:  if you have no stress, this article will not be of interest.

But if you live in modern society, your system experiences stress just due to the level of stimulation (noise, visual messaging, abundance of choice, etc.).  Imagine life 100, or 1000, years ago.  It gets dark in early evening.  It’s perhaps cold outside.  Maybe you huddle by the fire or work by candlelight for a bit, but then you cocoon for long stretches.  There’s no television, cell phone or central heat.  You can go days or even weeks seeing just the same few faces.  You have very little concept of what life is like on the other side of the world so you don’t worry about the wars or starvation there.  Your nervous system today is wired for that level of stimulation.  It’s very new in human development that we have access to 24 hour news, shopping, visiting, gambling, etc.  We no longer have a long, open spaces in our lifestyle to nap, dream, work at quiet, repetitive tasks and generally be bored to tears.

Even if you have a perfect marriage, no money concerns, a benevolent boss and consistent access to the best parking spots, your system is chronically and cumulatively deprived of restoration time.  What we commonly believe to be symptoms of aging are actually the result of this deficit

Most of us wouldn’t sign up to go back in time.  There are ways, however, to adjust to the rest needs of your system without such drastic steps.  One way is Restorative Yoga.

You might consider yoga stretching or exercise, which it can be.  Restorative Yoga is a different approach that also improves performance, concentration and alleviates pain….  without stretching or straining. 

That’s why Restorative Yoga rocked my world. 

Restorative Yoga means taking time to arrange your body over pillows, blankets, chairs, etc. in such ways that all curves are supported gently.  Properly propped, you feel no actual “stretch” sensation.  The position should be neutral and as comfortable as possible. 

Restorative Yoga helps us discover where we are holding tension.
The actual effort involved in restorative yoga is the willingness to look at how and where we are holding tension, and to relax our body on the ground, allowing the breath to come in more, so the tension that we find can be softened or less gripping. 

Restorative Yoga creates the conditions for the relaxation response to kick in. 
The grounding; complete, full breathing; and quietness of Restorative Yoga help us elicit the relaxation response, a neurological response that tells us we are safe, pulls us out of “flight or fight” mode and initiates the body’s self-healing process. 

Restorative Yoga helps us face what we are avoiding about ourselves.
Our habit of running around, conquering our to-do lists, and fueling ourselves with coffee and ambition can often be a way we avoid deep discomforts and unwelcome feelings in the body and mind. Restorative yoga asks us to stop engaging in all the doing and face what we really need to look at about ourselves. To learn about, befriend, and care for the whole of ourselves in a way we are not used to. This is an essential step for health and healing, for true renewal. 

Previously, I only took Restorative Yoga seriously when I was injured or had already put in a good workout.  Now it’s become the first priority in my self care protocol. 

Try Legs up the Chair pose after work. Try the position pictured above when you’re fighting off a cold. In our “Learn to Rest” section of the resources page, there are many different options.

Do Less to Achieve More

Image result for stressed out at christmas
How to change this…….
into this.

Energy is a resource for which we control the budget. Investing wisely to achieve maximum return is important here as it is with finance.  Learn the science behind therapeutic rest in order to boost your focus, strength and resiliency.

As the holidays creep closer, the pressure to jam more into each day increases.  Although it may seem counter-intuitive, doing less will actually help you get more done.  Here’s how.

A tremendous amount of mental and physical activity takes place in the background of our awareness.  Experts suggest up to 90% of our reactions, thoughts and behaviours are initiated from the subconscious mind.  All of these electrical impulses, or thoughts, require energy.  Many of these automatic decisions may not be in congruence with your current priorities, but you keep doing them anyway as reflexes and habits.  For example, you may have a willful commitment to eating healthier, but late night cravings for ice cream when you can’t sleep derail you regularly.  Sometimes, you can’t even recall eating it at all!  This conflict can cause stress on the system about which we are oblivious.

Most of us think of stress as really tragic events or other big ticket changes in your life.  Most people, because they function quite capably in their life’s work, don’t even feel stressed.  By the time we report stress to our doctor or other caregiver, the symptoms of imbalance have deeply impacted our physical and emotional health.

Stress is an inherent part of being human.  All of us experience stress or we couldn’t get out of bed each day.  Stress is a normal and healthy set of physiological markers (such as increased heart rate, tension in large muscle groups, increased adrenalin, etc.) that allow us to get things done and feel alert.   At the opposite end of the spectrum is the relaxation response.  Again, this is a specific set of physiological markers that create an environment in the body for repair, digestion and reorganizing.  Ideally, the human animal is equally balanced in the course of a day between activity and rest.  The flow between the two states of activity and rest is a continuum and we constantly float along that spectrum.  Even in the course of one breath, there is a little movement between activity and rest.

Image result for parasympathetic nervous system

 As stress has become more and more associated with negative health outcomes, intensive research has shown that stress response happens in modern life far more often than we realize.  Stress, or activity, is generated in the sympathetic nervous system any time we feel the mildest of a survival threat.  An update on your computer platform; searching for a parking spot; worrying that that last joke was well received – these common occurrences generate the biochemical changes in your body that take your away from the reparative and restorative rest we so desperately need.  Add in a few bigger ticket stressors such as financial or family concerns and our system is drawn chronically into sympathetic nervous system activation too often and for too long. 

Choosing to invest your energy in the chronic activation of the sympathetic nervous system prematurely wears you out.  It contributes to sleep disturbances, skin rashes, arthritic pain, sharp tempers and a lack of creativity to name a few symptoms.  Remember – modern life inherently pushes you to this imbalance.  Perhaps most compelling is that the holidays are potentially a time for connection, family and celebrating what is wonderful in our lives.  When we are depleted, the fatigue prevents us from being truly present and enjoying the season as much as we could.

What we think of as “relaxing”, really isn’t.

Image result for lounging on couch
  1. Socializing – while very enjoyable, the noise, heavy food, alcohol, pressure to be witty, all add up to a “survival threat”.  It stimulates your sympathetic nervous system.
  2. Exercise – movement is extremely important but exercise alone, especially movement that is in any way associated measuring, evaluating or competing, activates the sympathetic nervous system.  As the adrenalin and other hormones of the stress response are produced to answer the call of exercise, they are burned off so we feel more balanced when we finished.  There has been no rest though.
  3. Media – watching television or catching up on podcasts allows physical stillness but is in no way restful for the nervous system.  Studies show that the powerful emotional centers of the brain react to the images and ideas on media as if they were happening directly to us.  Our rational brains can distinguish the difference, but that part of your brain is not consciously directing these reflexive responses.

Relaxation is an activation of the parasympathetic nervous system.  There are separate nerves that enervate your organs and tissues for this branch of the autonomic nervous system.  Remember, we flow along the continuum throughout the day and can feel relatively ‘relaxed’ when we are not actually in the relaxation response.  To create the flow of neurotransmitters and biochemical markers that will truly help us heal, we need to take rest seriously.

Modern society is the most complex ever recorded so your lives probably reflect that.  Besides the obvious advice to edit activities and eat healthy, here are a couple interventions that can help you “power rest”.   Introducing regular and repeated therapeutic relaxation into your daily routine recalibrates your brain giving you greater focus and strength. 

An instructional video for the following practices can be found here.

Strategy #1:  Alternate Nostril Breathing

Image result for alternate nostril breathing

This ancient breathing technique alternately stimulates the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems to help you create a better flow along the continuum.  Set a timer for 5 minutes.  Sit in a chair with an upright and alert posture.  (Instructional video here.) Feel free to play some uplifting and relaxing music in the background (try https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=1Z8lIU9fKjk&list=PLNxTjx73TgkdaxeYhQQvIEYbSm-RqLeOm).   Using your right hand, place the thumb over the right nostril.  Place the ring finger over the left nostril.  The index and middle finger can curl down into the palm, or lightly rest them between the eye brows.  Inhale only through the left side then adjust fingers so exhale is only through the right.  Stay on the right side to inhale, then adjust fingers to exhale on the left.  This is one round.  Relax shoulders, align head over the rest of the spine.  Repeat until the time goes off.  This breathing pattern may help you feel more balanced and prepare for deeper stages of relaxation.

Strategy #2:  Legs Up the Chair Pose

Image result for jillian pransky legs up the chair

This restorative yoga posture inverts the play of gravity on the body, inducing a physical sense of relaxation.  It alleviates lower leg swelling, sore feet, aching hips, backs and knees (all symptoms of marathon holiday parties and shopping).  To do, (instructional video here) utilize a kitchen or living room chair or couch.  Align the legs so that the calves are supported by the seat with the edge of the seat in the crooks of your knees.  Place a pillow or folded blanket under your sacrum to elevate your hips slightly.  A pillow might feel nice under your neck.  Close your eyes and breathe slowly and deeply.  As little as five minutes can bring new energy but continuing for up to 20 is recommended.  Adding an eye pillow or cool cloth will reduce lines and swelling around eyes.

Amazing Fall Casserole – Recipe

Yoga therapy helps us celebrate every day activities.

With the fall harvest underway, markets are abundant with eggplants and tomatoes. I was searching for a hearty vegetarian, make ahead meal that was different. This Barley Crust Eggplant Lasagna is high fibre and packed with seasonal flavor.

Pot barley (not pearl – those grains have been polished to remove much of the healthy fibre and vitamins) is a wonderful grain to have in your pantry. When cooked, it is toothsome, chewy and almost meat like. In this recipe, we used cooked barley as a base for a rich ricotta layer topped with fall vegetables and, of course, more cheese!

Make ahead. This will keep in the fridge for 3 – 4 days before baking. And leftovers can be enjoyed for the rest of the week. This recipe makes an 8″ square baking pan, and serves at least four people. To make it in a traditional lasagna pan, double ingredients.


For the crust: Bring 3 cups vegetable stock to a boil. Add one cup pot barley. Reduce heat and simmer, lid on, for about 20 – 30 minutes. Drain well. Combine cooled barley with 1/2 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp pepper, 1 egg and chopped fresh parsley and chives (other herbs are fine – about 1/4 cup in total). Press mixture into bottom of well oiled 8″ square bake pan.

For eggplant layer: Slice eggplant into 1/4″ thick rings and place on sheet pan. I use parchment paper to cover the pan first so the pan stays clean. Salt generously. Place in 400 degree oven for about 20 minutes. When eggplant is browned and tender, place slices over crust.

For the ricotta layer: In a mixing bowl, combine one package ricotta with one egg, 1/4 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp pepper and 1/4 tsp nutmeg. Spread evenly over eggplant layer.

For the tomato layer: Slice heirloom tomatoes in 1/4″ thick pieces. Place over the ricotta layer.

For the topping: Top casserole with 1 cup grated mozzarella cheese and 1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese.

To bake: Place in pre-heated 350 degree oven for about 45 minutes. Keep casserole covered. When vegetables are tender and hot throughout, remove foil or cover and broil to brown cheese.

This is the amazing comforting fall meal that awaits you after the casserole has a few minutes to rest. Check out other unusual recipes such as Carrot Top Pesto and freezing your own Roasted Red Peppers.

Breathe into a More Joyous Life!

“Our breath is constantly rising and falling, ebbing and flowing, entering and leaving our bodies.  Full body breathing is an extraordinary symphony of both powerful and subtle movements that massage our internal organs, oscillate our joints and alternately tone and release all the muscles in the body.  It is a full participation with life.”    Donna Farhi, “The Breathing Book”  (Holt Publishing, 1996)

                On your last visit to the doctor, he/she may have asked you to take a deep breath.  Here’s what I commonly see in my yoga therapy practice when I observe someone instructed to deep breathe. 

They inhale.  Their nostrils pinch a bit and it makes quite a sound on the intake of breath.  Their arms and shoulders hug into the body.  The shoulders and collar bones lift up.  Neck muscles tighten.  And often their bellies pull in.  Try a deep breath in this manner.  Does it feel liberating or joyous to you?  It feels like a lot of work to me.

                Our breathing automatically adjusts to whatever external circumstances require.  It’s brilliant really.  Because we spend more and more time in sedentary activities, during which our brains are concentrating on reading or talking but not movement, our breath just goes into a shallow holding pattern that just keeps the basics going.  No point in investing a lot of energy in breathing deeply when the muscles are relatively stagnant.  Every once in a while, however, the tissues of the body send out an SOS.  FEED US!  And you are prompted to sigh or inhale as described above.

                Breath is literally your life.  As oxygen is brought into the lungs and permeates through the alveoli to the blood stream, hemoglobin molecules shuttle the oxygen to all the cells of the body.  During shallow breathing, not a lot of volume of oxygen is being delivered.  This translates to sluggishness, mental fog and increased stiffness.

                One of the more efficient ways your body can breathe is shown in this illustration.  As the lungs fill with air, the diaphragm descends down toward the abdomen to make more room for that balloon like action.  As you exhale, the lungs deflate and pull all the other bits back into place.

                Maybe you notice that this natural breathing pattern involves letting your belly muscles relax on inhale.  That can be a barrier for many of us who try to look skinny (by sucking in our gut) or think that tight “abs” will keep our backs happier.  Breathing is a whole body experience.  Relaxed breathing means that muscles need to relax as well as contract.  That is a definition of strong muscles – ones that can lengthen and shorten as needed.

Program for Restoring Your Life by Breathing Better

  1. Constructive rest:  (this could be done in bed if getting to the floor is difficult)

Take 2 – 20 minutes here. Use a pillow if necessary and blanket to keep warm. Observe your natural breathing. Where do you feel movement?  No movement?  A lot of movement?  Do you hold your breath?  Is your breath ragged or irregular?  Are there pauses?  Where and how long?  There is no right way to breathe right now.  You are just familiarizing yourself with what you are experiencing today.

2. Cat/Cow Stretch:  Inhale, sit up erect, lifting the chest toward the ceiling.  Exhale, hug the belly muscles in and let the back body stretch.  Repeat 5 – 10 slow breaths, breathing in and out through the nose.

3. Side Stretch   

Lean to one side on exhales.  Lift back upright on inhales.  If your arm gets tired up in the air, tuck it behind your back.  Repeat 5 times to each side.

4. Seated twist    

Inhale, sit up tall, facing forward.  Exhale gently twist to one side.  Repeat 5 times to each side.

5. Down dog with Chair   

Keep knees a little bent, or a lot bent.  Lift buttocks up and backward to length the entire spine.  Take 3 – 5 long, patient breaths.

6. Relaxing Chest Stretch   

This could be done in bed if getting to the floor is too difficult.  Place a rolled blanket along the length of the spine. Buttocks is on the ground. An additional pillow can support the head if needed.  Knees are dropped out to the sides and supported by more blankets or pillows so hips are comfortable.  There should be a pleasant stretch along the inner thighs but no pain in joints.  Let arms drape out to sides, palms up.  More blankets could support the arms if this stretch is too much for tight shoulder or chest muscles.  Rest here up to 15 minutes.

Making these movements part of your daily routine will bring more life to your life!

Don’t Throw Out the Carrot Tops

In yoga philosophy, there are several suggestions for living a happier and simpler life.  We are encouraged to practice non-greediness (aparigraha) or santosha (contentment).  I was raised on a farm and those pioneer ideals of always using everything fully and embracing what nature gifted us are already ingrained.

So it’s harvest time in my garden.  When you are done admiring my special gardening hat, you may note the lush greenery.  Everywhere.  And my farm roots and my yoga training insist that I find a use for it all!

                Take carrots for instance.  <!–more–> We traditionally only focus on the root, but the lacy green tops are quite edible.  I chop them into salads, whip them up in my greens smoothies and I still have tons more.  So today I got creative.

Vegan Carrot Top Pesto

  After cutting the greens from the carrots, and removing the larger, tougher stems (little ones are fine), I rough chopped the greens until I had about 3 cups.

This is the seeds and garlic ready to be chopped finely.

   Out came my trusty food processor.  This is one of the hardest working tools in my kitchen and I’m always surprised that so many cooks don’t invest in one.  It’s invaluable for making hummus, muffins, lentil burgers, grinding nuts and chopping veggies.  Mine is a $150 model and it’s worth the extra to get the precise cutting.  Here you see the 1/3 cup raw sunflower seeds and one peeled clove of garlic ready to go for a whirl.

  Now add the carrot tops.  As you can see, there are a lot of greens in that bowl.  Add ¼ cup balsamic vinegar, ½ cup good extra virgin olive oil and generous amounts of salt and freshly ground pepper.  You can adjust the seasoning later so use less than you think at first.

  This is what the mixture looks like after spinning, and scraping the sides of the bowl down, and spinning again and again.  Adjust the olive oil and seasonings as you go.

  Pour into a glass storage container and cover with a thin layer of olive oil to keep the colour bright.  It will store covered in the fridge for a month or in the freezer for up to 3.

                What do you do with all that pesto?  Add it to cooked pasta (1/4 cup at a time, then taste); flavor salad dressings; use it on cooked veggies or meat or make …..

Smoked Tofu Panini Sandwiches

  1.  Prepare bbq tofu:  Slice one block smoked tofu (extra firm; available at any grocery store) into ¼” pieces and marinate in barbecue sauce for a few minutes.  Broil or bbq slices until browned (the tofu is all ready to eat so you’re just adding flavor here).
  2. Using a hearty multi grain bread, slice two pieces for each sandwich.  Spread generously with the pesto. 
  3. Thinly slice a garden ripe tomato and layer over the pesto, followed by a single layer of tofu.  Top with second slice of bread.
  4. Using a panini press, grill the sandwiches until heated through.  Alternatively, keep the bbq hot and use a sheet pan on the grill.  Make sure it’s well oiled and place sandwich on pan.  Push down with metal flipper to compress sandwich a bit.  Flip after the bottom gets nicely browned and repeat technique.
  5. Serve with basil aioli (blend chopped fresh basil with mayo or vegan mayonnaise) for dipping.

The Hidden Muscle that Affects Everything

                What is one of the biggest muscles in your body, crossing three joints, affecting your breathing and every step you take?  Let’s go on a tour of this hidden giant and discover how releasing tension in this muscle can liberate your health and spirit.

                Have you guessed yet?  It’s the psoas (pronounced so-as) and it is primarily regarded as a hip flexor, although, as with most of our anatomy, it’s a bit more complicated than that.

Image result for psoas

  Let’s first look at the geography.  This photo shows an anterior (meaning from the front) view of the left side.  The red is meant to represent the muscle fibres.  See how the muscle starts up on the spine?  It has big, ropey attachments to the front of your vertebrae starting at T12 (just under the bottom of the shoulder blades) to L4/5 (the arch of your low back).  It travels along the inside (anterior) side of the hip bones (those are the saucer shaped ones, either side of the illustration).  It emerges at the groin and finishes on the inside of your thigh bone.  Stop reading and measure this by touching your body from the mid-back to inner thigh.  That’s a long muscle!  Because it is so large, the top and bottom of it are often doing different things.  Which makes it very tricky.

                So what does the psoas do for you?  It flexes the hip, for starters, which means in bends the leg up into the body or pulls your body down toward your leg.  So walking involves lifting a leg which means the hip flexor is active.  It also deeply influences the curve of your low back.  In cases of non-specific back pain, I always suspect the psoas.  It typically presents as tightness in the thoracic or lumbar area that responds well to gentle stretching and relaxation but gets worse with prolonged standing or sitting.  Typically, an exaggerated lumber curve means a tight hip flexor, but flattened back curves can mean psoas malfunction too.  As I said, it’s a tricky character.  The muscle also acts as a bit of an external rotator, which means it turns your thigh bone out a bit.  If the external rotator muscles are overused (if you tend to walk a bit duck foot like, this might be you), this can create hip pain and other conditions such as sciatica.

                The psoas crosses the hip joint, sacro-iliac joints and the spinal connections.  It is the only muscular connection between the leg and the spine.  Misalignment and tension can affect knee, pelvic and shoulder function.

                As the psoas travels through the torso, it weaves in amongst all your digestive and reproductive organs.  Malfunction or tension in the muscle can contribute to acid reflux, constipation, IBS, fertility problems, menstrual irregularities and cramping, among many other issues. 

This charming fellow is showing the position of the diaphragm.  It’s that big dome shaped muscle under the lungs and heart.  Look at the fibres right at the spine where we noted the psoas starts.  They interdigitate, which means they hook up quite intimately every breath.  Which brings us to the biggest insight into getting a healthier psoas muscle.  Breathing!

                Moving a bit deeper into our investigation, think of the basic job of the psoas.  Hip flexion is called for in fight or flight.  We are either going to lift the leg to run or fight, or we might pull the body into the legs to protect our belly.  We are deeply hard wired to initiate a psoas reaction to any environmental irregularity or threat.  So did someone criticize your report today at work?  That’s an environmental threat to your psoas.  Did someone pass you too fast on the highway?  Did you feel disappointed that you weren’t invited to lunch?  Did you worry about making budget?  Was it really loud or too bright?  You get the picture.

                Many clients ask about stretches for the psoas.  It may make much more sense to begin to release the tension of the last few decades a bit first.  Aggressive stretches  (isn’t this one fun?) 

 can cause damage in the groin and take a long time to heal. 

                Let’s look at a more patient plan that is safer, quite pleasant to undertake and provides ripples of benefits to all systems of the body.

  1.  Legs Up The Chair Pose : This video demonstrates the pose (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1dvKsv39tY&t=17s).   In this series, plan to spend 5 – 10 minutes here.  Get comfortable.  Begin breathing in and out the nose, slowly and rhythmically.  Gradually take as full breaths in and out as you can without straining.  After the first few minutes, let go of actively breathing and just let nature take its course.  Deliberately day dream about pleasant thoughts, like a favourite vacation memory.  If an emotional charge comes into your relaxation, gently set it aside, promising to revisit it later.
  • Half Knee to Chest Pose:    Start with both knees bent.  Inhale.  As you exhale, hug one knee gently to chest, not too tightly.  Gradually straighten out other leg to form this shape.  Feel the bones of your straight leg as they might be made of iron …. sooooo heavy!  Take a few active nostril breaths.  Repeat other side.
  • Gate Pose:    Place a folded blanket under the knee for cushion.  Modify to stand on the left leg here if weight bearing on the knee is painful.  Inhale, reach left arm up and exhale to side bend.  Move in an out of the posture a few times and then hold for 3 – 5 breaths.  As you use your diaphragm fully to breath, see if you can start to sense the influence that has on the psoas.  Repeat other side.
  • Active Bridge Pose:  Place a yoga block, or full roll of toilet paper, between knees.  Inhale to lift hips and arms.  Exhale to lower.  Keep block or toilet paper roll firmly hugged between knees.  Repeat 10 breaths.
  • Savasana (or Relaxation Pose):  Lie back on mat, using a pillow under head or rolled blanket under knees for comfort if necessary.  Stay as supported by the floor as much as possible for about 2 – 5 minutes.

As you slowly stand up and move about, notice if there is a lightness in your step.  The psoas muscles act as guy wires between the leg bone and spine.  When they are relaxed and receptive, they conduct the electricity more fluently.  These exercises may also be accompanied by a feeling of light heartedness as they release deeply held stress.