Why Astrology, Tarot and Business Strategy Belong Together

Michelle and I have been sharing yoga for almost 20 years. I’ve always loved her company because she’s super smart and brings such interesting conversation. While hanging out last summer around the pool, she mentioned how she would love to broaden her discussions about planets, astrology and energy but wasn’t sure how her business clients would react. She’d had a few successful consultations with entrepreneurs about how to align their business plans with their higher purpose but felt a little stuck moving forward.

“Why not do some workshops for our yoga gang? They’ll love your insights and you can field test how this material will land for your big fish”, I suggested.

From my lips to “you know who’s” ears cause the first series sold out (you can purchase the recordings here if you weren’t able to join live). What we decided to do was offer a one hour lecture about the Tarot on Sunday evenings complemented by a live zoom yoga class Thursday mornings that would embody the themes. Whew! Such a jam packed 8 weeks of learning and growing!

Inspired to continue sharing, Michelle is offering a webinar on December 21 at 7 pm, “The Great Conjunction: a Sneak Peak at 2021″. With the big planets of Saturn and Jupiter coming together, we’ll not only have a beautiful super star to observe but we may also benefit from understanding how this alignment may affect our own energy.

And a deeper dive into planet wisdom will be offered starting January 3, “Planet Pathworking and Yoga“. This 8 week course will be structured just like the last one. Pathworking is a great term as that is just what this is about. So many people mistake this work for “horoscopes” or fortune telling. It’s definitely much more about learning, reflecting and making conscious adjustments to your day to day habits so you are more aligned with your higher purpose. Just like yoga is much more than stretching.

And that’s how Michelle and I decided to offer these workshops!

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