Bringing the messages from The Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter to the Yoga Mat

Guest blogger: Michelle Brisebois

I love yoga because it incorporates movement, philosophy, history, and myth all in one wonderful discipline. The poses are meant to evoke an archetypal image to help us internalize the energy. Sun salutations, Moon pose, Eagle, fish, mountain, cobra – all of these postures make us think about what’s being represented so we can bring that perspective back into our daily lives. It’s called a yoga practice for a reason – what did we think we were practicing for?

The year 2020 will go down in infamy. I think the Queen dubbed a year like this an annus horribilis” meaning horrible year…aka…dumpster fire. I get asked all the time if astrologers saw this coming. Yes, many of them did. You can take a peek at this YouTube video recorded last December 2019 where they look at the geo-cosmic cycles of late March and say, “There will be no hugging in late March 2020”. They could see some intense alignments coming connected to emotional tension and anger.

So – when will it be over and will 2021 be better?

Astrology doesn’t predict what will happen anymore than a market analyst or weather forecaster can predict if you will lose money or get wet if it rains. The cycle is the cycle and how you adjust your sails will predict how your life will unfold. Free will is our divine right and we can embrace the archetypal symbolism of the planets just as we do in our yoga practice. Wisdom tends to lead to better decisions and therefore, a happier future.

The astrological “weather” shifts halfway through December, and it’s marked by the planetary ingresses (entries) of Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn into new signs. Saturn enters Aquarius on Dec. 17, and right behind it is Jupiter on Dec. 19. The movement into air sign Aquarius is unveiling what some refer to as the “Age of Aquarius”, so it’s a significant development. The next day, Mercury enters Capricorn on Dec. 20. This placement helps us get more practical about our goals, inspiring us to get focused and organized as we prepare for a new year ahead.

A few days after Saturn and Jupiter enter Aquarius, they’ll come together on Dec. 21 to form what’s known as a Great Conjunction in astrology. This alignment is a very rare planetary connection. It only occurs once every 20 years. The Dec. 21, 2020 alignment in Aquarius, though, is going to be the first to take place in several hundred years, which is why many astrologers consider it to be the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. Astrologers have been anticipating the effects of this event all year.

Jupiter and Saturn are social planets that govern over matters of growth and structure, so when they come together to form a Great Conjunction, it can signal significant changes for the collective. Vedic astrology calls this conjunction a “Yukta Yoga” the lord of growth, responsibility, wisdom – Jupiter and the planet of karma – Saturn. Jupiter & Saturn together points to your societal purpose and your gifts that help you accomplish it. 

With these big boy planets joining forces in the collaborative air sign Aquarius, we’ll all be more inspired to embrace unconventional ways of thinking and focus on community work. This alignment will affect us through the years to come, so pay attention to any themes that come up for you now.

Next year will have a very different tone from 2020. Our relationship with technology will accelerate in 2021 and we will be challenged to heal our relationship with each other…and ourselves. 

You don’t need an astrologer to see that the world is changing, but it is good to have one to help make the connections. If you’d like to learn more about the Great Conjunction of 2020 and how it’s advice might inform our spiritual practices; Cheryl and I would love to have you join our webinar on December 21, 2020 (the night of the Great Conjunction). Do a little star gazing, and then a little planning. Let’s make 2021 a joyful renaissance. 

You can register for the webinar here.